Beef Recipe

$14.48$59.15 available on subscription

Dogs Eat Rite is your go-to source for raw dog food that not only satisfies their taste buds but also nourishes their health. Our specially formulated meals are crafted with your dog’s wellness in mind, ensuring they receive a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients.

At Dogs Eat Rite, we understand that every ingredient counts. That’s why our beef recipe raw dog food includes premium cuts such as Bottom Round and Gooseneck Bottom Flat, combined with super-nutritious organs like Beef Heart and Beef Liver. These are not just protein-packed but also rich in natural enzymes and taurine, crucial for your dog’s heart health. We blend these with wholesome vegetables like Zucchini and Spinach, which provide necessary fibers and vitamins, enhancing your pet’s digestion and immune system.

To further boost the nutritional value, we add Mineral Salt and Chia Seeds for optimal fat balance and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin and a shiny coat. Our carefully selected vitamins and minerals, including Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin E, Iodine, and Vitamin D, ensure your dog gets a comprehensive spectrum of nutrients required for overall health and vitality.

Beef Recipe Ingredients

Bottom Round, Gooseneck Bottom Flat, Beef Heart, Beef Liver, Zucchini, Spinach, Mineral Salt, Sunflower Oil, Chia Seeds, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin E, Iodine, Vitamin D.

Order By Monday at noon, pick up is all day Friday. Outside of these ordering days, feel free to stop into our store and shop. 

We currently offer Local Delivery only. Please check your zipcode for availability.

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